Layher SpeedyScaf Frame Scaffolding

The original SpeedyScaf Frame Scaffolding was invented by Layher in 1965. It revolutionized the facade scaffolding construction and still supersedes conventional frame scaffolding, i.e. BilJax, Safway type scaffolding.

The assembly of SpeedyScaf Frame Scaffolding is easy and lightning fast. One great advantage with SpeedyScaf compared to conventional frame scaffolding is that no bracing is needed on the wall side, giving you a maximized work space with no obstructions. This is ideal for stucco work, painters, carpentry etc.

With the Speedy assembly frame Lightweight, the Layher SpeedyScaf equipment has been the recognized leader for decades in insertion-frame systems. Modern, fast and robust, making it ideal for work on facades. Layher SpeedyScaf is, thanks to its versatile and well thought-out range of parts, equally economical to use in scaffolding construction and in professional trades.